Happy 2021 from all of us at Stroopies!

To All of our Stroopie Fans,

Wow! What a year we just have come through!!! Never in our wildest dreams would our team at Stroopies have guessed last January how this past year would play out. As we look to a new year, I wanted to just share some reflection and some lessons that we have learned as a team.

  • In March, when everything came to a halt, we like everyone else, were at first paralyzed…all of our well thought out plans and goals for the year all of the sudden were very disrupted. We had to pivot and figure out what were our new priorities. Our first goal was to survive of course, but we also prayed that we and our team would find ways to thrive even in the midst of everything changing.

  • One of the things that will forever be a lesson learned in 2020…is this. Sometimes when you are running so fast, developing this and that in a growing business, you miss obvious things. It feels like the best thing that could of happened to us at Stroopies in 2020 is that we had to stop. Instead of just taking care of the next urgent thing, we actually had an opportunity to stop and look at the big picture. The “fire of 2020” helped Stroopies melt away the busyness, so that we could see more clearly. Just like forest fires help the pinecone to open up and drop it’s seed, so that it can reproduce and spread…God in his grace has used the hard year of 2020 to sharpen us and make us stronger!

  • We have loyal, amazing Stroopie fans…YOU!! You all have stood by us and encouraged us and the beautiful resettled refugee women on our Stroopie team that now call Lancaster home. Thank you to all of you for the countless ways you helped us spread Stroopie love this past year. We look forward to continuing to partner with you for many years to come in spreading Stroopie deliciousness made with love in Lancaster, PA!


Jennie for the Stroopies team!