Dreaming in 2023...

Have you ever felt like you have ideas that are half baked? Dreams that you hope can bloom to be even more fruitful? Currently we have a waiting list of resettled refugee women who would like to be on our team at Stroopies, Inc.. How can we expand what we are doing at Stroopies, Inc. so that we can have more opportunities for these women and their families? These are the questions that I hold as I look to 2023 and beyond.

If you ever have ideas for us that could help us expand into more opportunities for the women on our waiting list…please reach out. I would love to sit and have coffee with you. Currently, 16 beautiful resettled refugee women whose new home is Lancaster make approx. 15,000 Stroopies a week at our working center on Vine St., and our brick and mortar store at the Lancaster Sweet Shoppe. How can we provide more opportunity for the growing list of women on our waiting list, while maintaining a work atmosphere of welcome, nurture & community. My e-mail is: stroopies@frontier.com. I would love to hear from you…because we all know that it “takes a village”. Stroopies is a piece of the funnel of provision and care…but we are not the whole funnel! I have hopeful expectation that new doors are going to open up for our team at Stroopies in 2023…and ultimately new opportunities will open for the women who are waiting!

